Doors: 85"h
Wall: 120h
Base board: 4"h
Lighting Tracks: 10" from walls
East door (papermaking studio) to west wall: 128"w 65L from e end
203c Hall: 80"length across/ 186" from west end 25' 8"r25/2' L (2x4' ceiling tiles)

Lamp1: ceiling tile 3 - n wall text & speaker
Lamp2: ceiling tile 8 - s wall text & speakerLamp3: ceiling tile 14 - n wall text & speaker
Lamp4: ceiling tile 19 - s wall text & speaker
Lamp5: ceiling tile 22/23 - n wall text & speaker
(3N, 8S, 14N under ceiling speaker, 18S, 22.5N)
LAYOUT #2: CEILING TILES (not pictured) measured from west end
6.5': lamp1 (ceilin

18': lamp2 (bn 206 & 206b / ceiling tile 9.5) N wall text/speaker - 2 ft from 206 door on left
26': lamp3 (rt of 206b, left of speaker/ ceiling tile 13.5) S wall text/speaker
36': lamp4 CT (rt of lightC/ ceiling tile 18.5) S wall text/ speaker
46': lamp5 (rt of lightD/ ceiling tile 23.5) N wall text/ speaker
Pictured above: Original layout with lamps on right side only (unbalanced)
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