
Sound Art, 2/23 Entry

Reason audio software was the topic of discussion for class this past week. The content and capacities of this program is overwhelming, but fascinating. I have come to understand it is intended for synthesizing audio works more than editing previously existing recordings/songs through the experimental process. It is difficult to fully utilize such a massive program considering my limited experience with audio, though I found it very manageable to create a short composition using a keyboard and various instruments from Reason's library. Towards the end of my studio time I came away with a sound piece incorporating a few notes (literally) made by a banjo and then coordinated a few dulcimer notes through the layering process. I chose these two instruments because of its historical ties to folklore, or verbal histories. This audio piece is intended to work with an interview project based on stories from Chicago women, and their opinions about their place in society. With these methods in mind, I came to the conclusion that instruments reminiscent of story telling in America. Once finished with the instrumental elements of this mini composition I considered options that would suggest a female presence and found a women's choir instrument. With that I overlaid a few subtle notes over the plucking sounds of the banjo and dulcimer. While working with these three instruments, or layers, I also adjusted the attack to lessen the intensity of the string instruments relative to the soft noise of the choir. I continued to fiddle with the various knobs, adjusting each layer to create a cohesive and simple audio composition.

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